Saturday, August 06, 2005

I twitch and I salivate. So here is something I legitimately want feedback on, especially from all you Y-chromers out there. I'm thinking that TV and movies have lied to us. The days of simply meeting people in person are over. No one goes up to a random, attractive stranger and starts up a conversation. I'm starting to think that, aside from blind dates, online dating is the only way to meet someone. Of course, the drawbacks are that you walk into said relationship with the expectation that, at some point in the very near future, the two of you will be naked together. The other problem is you look at the person's profile and you start dreaming up what they might be like. But actually the person you're dreaming about is your fantasy mate, and you're just hoping said internet person matches your fantasy. You end up entering the whole thing with a set of expectations that you might not normally have if you met said cyber partner in person first.

So what do you think, cyber space? Has dating gone technological, or should I keep my faith in reality? Post thy thoughts below...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot speed-dating... And I don't think tv and movies lie-- to the extent that people go up to random attractive celebrities who are strangers and try to start up conversations with them...